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It should be watered in and dried

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Q: How long after you apply 32-3-8 fertilizer can pets go back on the turf?
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Related questions

Can starter fertilizer harm established grass?

No, fertilizer should almost always be good for grass as long as you don't apply too much. Many times starter fertilizer is actually weaker than regular fertilizer as they don't want to damage the seeds/young sprouts before they take hold.

How long after applying lime can you apply fertilizer?

It is generally recommended to wait at least 2-3 months after applying lime before applying fertilizer. This allows the lime to react with the soil and adjust the pH level before introducing other nutrients through fertilizer. Timing may vary based on soil conditions and the specific type of lime and fertilizer being used.

What fertilizer do you give viburnum?

Long-term, slow release fertilizer at the beginning of Spring.

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How do you neutralize fertilizer?

If you mean you've recently added too much fertilizer, you can apply LOTS of water to dilute and flush away the excess, if not all of it. If it's been too long, the grass (or whatever) will probably absorb too much and there may be nothing you can do to prevent the plant from suffering or dying. You can also apply lime to raise the pH level, which will likely be lowered by the excessive fertilizer. And it should be a given that you get a soil test done. (I did a simple web search on "soil testing" with my city name and got lots of free local resources for testing.)

How long does it take for lawn fertilizer to work?

It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for lawn fertilizer to work, depending on factors like the type of fertilizer used, weather conditions, and the health of your lawn. Watering the lawn after applying fertilizer can help speed up the process.

Can you mix lawn fertilizer and bug b gone together?

As long as the fertilizer does not contain another type of pest control (insect or weed) then the fertilizer can be applied right after the Bug B Gon. They should not be combined however as chances are the application rate of the fertilizer and the Bug B Gon will be different.

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You would have to apply at a local Social Security Office.

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The laws that apply to sedans are the same ones that apply to convertibles. As long as the baby is in the back seat and is secured in an approved baby seat it can ride in a convertible. But never in the front seat of any car.

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There are many different varieties of ways that one can apply long eyelashes. These ways include, but are not limited to, apply glue to the eyelashes or by using small amounts of tape.

Will the state automaticlly take back childsupport out of a workmans comp settlement?

As long as you owe back child support, the state has any right to take a portion if not the whole amount of the settlement and apply it towards to rearage payment.