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Q: How long are minutes of meetings kept on file?
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30 minutes.

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2 years

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20 minutes at 180 C.

How long must shellstock tags be kept on file?

90 days after the last shellfish was sold or served from the container.

How long have you kept your eyes open?

Actually I have kept my eyes open for about four minutes, but I had contacts in. With out contacts in I can only keep my eyes open for 45 seconds.

What has the author Fern Long written?

Fern Long has written: 'All About Meetings' -- subject(s): Meetings

What would happen to the taste of a pretzel if kept in mouth for 15 minutes?

A pretzel would probably disintegrate if you kept in your mouth that long. If there's anything left by the time 15 minutes is up, it probably would be tasteless mush.

How long should a legal file be kept for after the matter has been settled where should it be stored and why should it be kept explain?

It should be kept for the life of the individuals involved in the legal matter, in a water and fireproof storage area. It should be kept because it may be needed.