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Q: How long are the vibrissae in relation to the head and relation to the width of the body?
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What is the ratio of diameter and width of wheel?

It depends on what you mean by width. If you view the wheel as a disk and consider its width as the side-to-side measure, then they two are the same so the ratio is 1. If you view the wheel head-on and consider its width as the profile, then there is no relation.

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It would either be a elephant, hippo, or mammoth.

Does a whale have neck?

No, whales do not technically have a neck, but they have some ability to turn their head in relation to their body.

Why is Lisa robertson's head so big?

People have always noticed how large Lisa's head is in relation to her body. It's twice the size of everybody who stands next to her. Some people just have a disproportionate head-body ratio.

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The term cephalad refers to the direction toward the head or upper part of the body. It is often used in medical terminology to describe the location of an anatomical structure in relation to the head.

When born what size is the baby's head relation to the rest of his body?

At birth, a baby's head is about one-quarter of its total body length. Over time, as the baby grows, the head size relative to the body decreases.

Is the width of a head?

no one is completely identical so I suppoes all most everyone would have a different width of there head.

What is the width of a head?

15 inches

Why do premature babies wear hats when they are in their incubaters?

The head of a newborn is one quarter of its body surface area and therfore can lose a lot of heat, therefore wearing a hat stops the newborn losing a lot of heat. The more preterm the baby the larger its head is in relation to its body

Width of the head of the Statue of Liberty?

10 feet

What is the width of the statue of liberty's head?

one cenimeter

What would you use to measure the width of your head?

15 m