The exact time it took to draw Ponyo, the character from the animated film "Ponyo," can vary depending on the specific scene, complexity of the animation, and the skill level of the animator. In traditional hand-drawn animation, a single frame can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour to draw, while more complex scenes may take days or even weeks to complete. Overall, creating an animated film like "Ponyo" can take several years from start to finish, with teams of animators working collaboratively to bring the characters and story to life.
draw a square with sides that are 1 metre long.
By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that we acn draw a line that is 12.5 centimeters long using a ruler .
Sure. _
First of all we can take a straight line,when we take a straight line we take a half circle in the left side of the line,then the end of a circle we take an CHAND and draw a 90 degree then it`s draw a root 2 we used this method we can easily draw a root 17.
You can draw the rectangle 5 centimetres wide by 8 centimetres long. The scale will 1 : 1000
Ponyo is 1 hour and 40 minutes long, I know it's stupid for me to answer my own question but I found out the length a little after posting the question.
ponyo means magic because in the story ponyo, ponyo licks the boys finger and its all better!!!
Yes, ponyo is on demand
there is going to be a ponyo 2 if there isn't then they probably decided not to make another ponyo
there is going to be a ponyo 2 if there isn't then they probably decided not to make another ponyo
YES! What's not cute about ponyo?
"Ponyo" was produced by Toshio Suzuki .
She's Ponyo
Hayao Miyazaki made Ponyo.
Ponyo is 5, just like Sasuke
Ponyo on the cliff by the sea
Ponyo was created on 2008-07-19.