Anywhere from seconds (overdose) to minutes (shot while stealing to support habit) to hours (killed on street by robber while nodding) to days (dead from malnutrition) to weeks (organ failure) to months (all of the above) to years (declining overall health from use) to who knows?
pi=3.14 it is really long # but we shorten is to 3.14. 3.14 times the diameter
it is used to shorten long numbers like 300,000,000 would be 3x10 to the 8th power
You don't. Pure heroin is very soluble in water.
If you were ever addicted you will crave it for the rest of your life.
No, it doesn't.
Your life in the long run
your entire natural life, however long that is. if properly treated, there is no reason that bipolar would shorten a person's life.
If AF refers to Atrial fibrillation, yes, it can shorten your life.
Depending on your feelings toward the usage of these drugs the answer can vary. If one hates opioids and sees them as evil. Sure they will shorten you lifespan. However, those whom see opioids as life-saving are going to think and say the opposite. So the real answer? Who knows. The type of opioid being used and the method of taking the opioid can lead you towards an answer. A prostitue that injects black tar heroin and has no home or health insurance.... Then yes heroin is going to shorten he or she's life span. It is a complex issue and depends on what motive you have to prove whatever side you are agreeing with. DRH -Laudium
Most cases produce symptoms but do not shorten life expectancy.
Normally they will last at least 100,000 to 150,000 miles but there is no guarantee they will last that long. A partially clogged fuel filter will shorten the life of the pump. Running the car until it runs of of gas will also shorten it's life.
Some mild upgrades can actually lengthen the life. It's the major upgrades that can shorten the life.
the rest of your life you druggy
it can shorten your life span because i am 16 and the specialist told me that i could die in my 30s because of it
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that being whipped directly shortens one's lifespan. However, physical abuse and trauma from being whipped can have long-term effects on physical and mental health, which may indirectly impact overall lifespan. It is important to seek help and support if you are experiencing any form of abuse.