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19 KW = 19,000 Joules per second.

6.8 x 107 / 19,000 = 3,578.95 seconds, at the rate of 19 KW.

That's 21.05 seconds short of 1 hour. In exactly 1 full hour, the engine delivers 6.84 x 107 joules.

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Q: How long does it take a 19 kW steam engine to do 6.8 x 10 to the seventh power J of work?
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How long did it take to build the steam engine?

i dont now

What was the name of the steam engine used to power the mill?

I assume you are not referring to a specific mill despite the definite article! A "mill engine" - honestly! That is what they are called, and are usually long-stroke horizontal engines.

How long have steam engines been used?

Since the early 18th century. The first practical steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712. It worked by condensing steam to create a vacuum and draw the piston down. In 1776 James Watt and Matthew Boulton created the first double acting steam engine which used the expansive power of steam to push the piston in both directions.

How long have steam engines been in use?

Since the early 18th century. The first practical steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712. It worked by condensing steam to create a vacuum and draw the piston down. In 1776 James Watt and Matthew Boulton created the first double acting steam engine which used the expansive power of steam to push the piston in both directions.

What long-term impact did the invention of the steam engine have on Great Britain?


Make a water running engine?

Making an engine that runs on water has been a dream for a long time. However, steam engines use water in a different way for power. A water powered car is probably far in the future.

What were some of the benefits and drawbacks of steam power?

Steam power made mechanisation widely available. The coal it used was available in many countries, and without the higher technical capabilities required by the oil industry. It made long distance travel widely available and supported the widespread introduction of electricity. Disadvantages include the emission of soot which caused widespread pollution and the fact that a steam engine is inherently less efficient than an internal combustion engine.

How long did it take to invent the steam engine?

From the start of time, about 13.8 billion years.

What did James Watt invent during the industrial revolution?

James Watt improved on the design of early steam engines. His patented inventions included a separate water-cooled chamber for condensing steam, dramatically improving the efficiency of steam engines that were developed at the beginning of the industrial revolution.

What did the steam engine do?

A steam engine is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid.Steam engines are external combustion engines,[1] where the working fluid is separate from the combustion products. Non-combustion heat sources such as solar power, nuclear power orgeothermal energy may be used. Water turns to steam in a boiler and reaches a high pressure. When expanded through pistons or turbines, mechanical work is done. The reduced-pressure steam is then condensed, and it is pumped back into the boiler. The ideal thermodynamic cycle used to analyze this process is called the Rankine cycle. Some practical steam engines discard the low-pressure steam instead of condensing it for reuse.The idea of using boiling water to produce mechanical motion has a long history, going back about 2,000 years. Early devices were not practical power producers, but more advanced designs producing usable power have become a major source of mechanical power over the last 300 years, beginning with applications for removing water from mines using vacuum engines. Subsequent developments used pressurized steam and converted linear to rotational motion which enabled the powering of a wide range of manufacturing machinery. These engines could be sited anywhere that water and coal or wood fuel could be obtained, whereas previous installations were limited to locations where water wheels or windmills could be used. Significantly, this power source would later be applied to vehicles such as steam tractors and railway locomotives. The steam engine was a critical component of the Industrial Revolution, providing the prime mover for modern mass-production manufacturing methods. Modern steam turbines generate about 90% of the electric power in the United States using a variety of heat sources.[2]In general usage, the term 'steam engine' can refer to integrated steam plants such as railway steam locomotives and portable engines, or may refer to the machinery alone, as in the beam engineand stationary steam engine. Specialized devices such as steam hammers and steam pile drivers are dependent on steam supplied from a separate boiler.

How did the steam engine impact England during the Industrial Revolution?

The steam engine revolutionized society. It displaced animal power (man and animal power) and displaced humans from the economy. The steam engine revolutionized transportation and manufacturing and created the industrial Revolution. The Steam Engine empowered Empires.

What do steam engine do?

A steam engine is a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid.Steam engines are external combustion engines,[1] where the working fluid is separate from the combustion products. Non-combustion heat sources such as solar power, nuclear power orgeothermal energy may be used. Water turns to steam in a boiler and reaches a high pressure. When expanded through pistons or turbines, mechanical work is done. The reduced-pressure steam is then condensed, and it is pumped back into the boiler. The ideal thermodynamic cycle used to analyze this process is called the Rankine cycle. Some practical steam engines discard the low-pressure steam instead of condensing it for reuse.The idea of using boiling water to produce mechanical motion has a long history, going back about 2,000 years. Early devices were not practical power producers, but more advanced designs producing usable power have become a major source of mechanical power over the last 300 years, beginning with applications for removing water from mines using vacuum engines. Subsequent developments used pressurized steam and converted linear to rotational motion which enabled the powering of a wide range of manufacturing machinery. These engines could be sited anywhere that water and coal or wood fuel could be obtained, whereas previous installations were limited to locations where water wheels or windmills could be used. Significantly, this power source would later be applied to vehicles such as steam tractors and railway locomotives. The steam engine was a critical component of the Industrial Revolution, providing the prime mover for modern mass-production manufacturing methods. Modern steam turbines generate about 90% of the electric power in the United States using a variety of heat sources.[2]In general usage, the term 'steam engine' can refer to integrated steam plants such as railway steam locomotives and portable engines, or may refer to the machinery alone, as in the beam engineand stationary steam engine. Specialized devices such as steam hammers and steam pile drivers are dependent on steam supplied from a separate boiler.