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Q: How long does it take a car moving at 70 meters per second take to travel 350 meters?
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How long does it take a cricket ball moving 50 meters per second to travel 30 meters?

speed = distance/time --> time = distance/speed = (30 m)/(50 m/s) = 0.6 seconds

How long to travel 32km at 78 meters per second?

6.84 minutes.

How long will it take the car to travel 200 meters if it was going at the speed of 20 meters per second?

Take 200 divide by 20!

How far will you go if you are travelling at 27.3 meters per second?

Anywhere you like - if you travel for long enough!

How long does it take to travel 425 meters?

The time it takes to travel 425 meters depends on the speed at which you are traveling. For example, if you are running at a speed of 5 meters per second, it would take you 85 seconds to travel 425 meters.

How long does it take sound to travel 100 meters?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 343 meters per second in air at room temperature. Therefore, it would take around 0.29 seconds for sound to travel 100 meters in these conditions.

To the nearest second how long does it take sound to travel 1 km through the air?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 343 meters per second in air. To travel 1 km (1000 meters), it would take approximately 2.9 seconds.

If a nerve cell travels 100 meters per second how long would it take to travel 600 meters?

(Six hundred divided by one hundred) seconds

How long does it take a car to travel 525 miles if it is traveling at 15 meters per second?

At 15 meters per second it will take the car 15 hours 40 minutes to cover 525 miles.

How long does it take for sound to travel 1000m?

Sound travels at approximately 343 meters per second in air at room temperature. Therefore, it would take about 2.9 seconds for sound to travel 1000 meters in air.

If a nerve signal travels to and from the brain at a speed of 30 meters per second how long would it take the signal to travel 3 meters?

It would take the signal 0.1 seconds to travel 3 metres, given the parameters that you have given.

If you could travel 299792458 in a second and you needed to travel 93000000 miles how long would it take?

You're asking how long it takes light and heat to travel from the sun to the earth, but mixing your units.The "299 ... ...' is the speed of light in meters per second, and the "93 ... ..." is the distance in miles.The answer is still 8-1/3 minutes.