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Time is equal to distance divided by speed. t=d/v

t=525m / 15m/s = 525/15 seconds = 35 seconds

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Q: How long does it take a car to travel 525meters if it is traveling at 15 meters per second?
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At what speed does sound travel at?

Depends on which substance it's traveling through. Speed of sound in air at sea level is about 343 meters/second. This is the right answer it was just out by 3m/s

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If it covers 92 meters in one second one needs to work out how many 92 meters there are in 1 Kilometer and this will be the number of seconds required to travel 1 Kilometer. There are 1000 meters in a kilometer thus 1000/92 = 10.87 so it will take the train 10.87 seconds to travel 1 kilometer.

How long do sounds take to travel?

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340.29 meters per second at sea level.

Distance in meters that light travels in one second?

In a vacuum, light will travel 299,792,458 meters in one second.