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Q: How long does it take for a person to breath 1 million times?
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How many times does a person breath in a lifetime?

That would depend on how long the person lived.

How long does it take to breath a million times?

Human babies breath very rapidly and the respiratory rate slows as they age. Also, there considerable variation between individuals. As an approximation, an adults will breathe a million times in around 45 days, with a range of 35 to 60 days.

How long can a person hold his breath for normally?

1 min

What can affect how long a person can hold their breaths?

How long the breath is held is limited by carbon dioxide buildup in the blood.

How long can a person hold it's breath for underwater?

the average person could hold his breath for up to 1 minute under water. with the right training could be any where between 2min-5mins

How long should you be able to hold your breath for?

The average person can hold their breath for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. However, trained individuals like free divers can hold their breath for several minutes due to their specialized training techniques. Holding your breath for too long can be dangerous and lead to hypoxia.

How long can the average person hold their breathe?

The average person can Hold their breath for around 30 seconds.Some may vary.Rachel x

How long can an average toddler hold their breath?

mostly they can hold it up to 1min or some times 2

How long is a rescue breath?

A rescue breath is 1 second long.

How do reptlis breath uwhen under water?

They don't. All reptiles require air to breathe. They can hold their breath for sometimes remarkably long times, but will need to surface eventually.

How long would it take for someone to die without air?

It will vary from person to person depending on how long they can hold their breath but about 3 minutes is considered the average from what I have always been told.

How long does it take to do one million breaths?

Of course that depends on how fast (often) you breathe, which you neglected to include in the question.Pulling a number out of thin air ... let's say you average 15 breaths a minute.Then 1,000,000 breaths = 66,666 minutes = 1,111 hours = 46.3 days (all are rounded)