74.5 minutes.
It would only take 10 seconds to travel 1km at 0.3km per three minutes.
2 days
Less than 5 seconds in a commercial aricraft (a lot less in a military one). A few minutes if you are walking.
Light will travel 1 miles in about 5.368 microseconds (That means that light will travel about 65,000 miles in the time it takes the average person to blink!)
40 minutes.
It will take 1 year, as soon as you and Albert work out how to travel at the speed of light. ;)
It takes light exactly one hour to travel in 1 hour.
The estimated travel time for the 73 kilometer trip is about an hour.
74.5 minutes.
It takes about 8 minutes.
It depends where you live
Light take approximately 8 minute 20 seconds to travel from the sun to the earth.
It takes Light 8 Minutes to get from the Sun to the Earth.
Just divide the speed of light by the distance.
It would only take 10 seconds to travel 1km at 0.3km per three minutes.
8 minutes