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Q: How long does it take the federal government to spend 1 billion dollars?
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How much money does the government spend on transportation?

The U.S. government spent 292 billion dollars in 2010

How much did the government spend on defense in 2008?

Approximately 486 billion dollars. It makes up 21% of federal spending with only Medicare and Medicaid receiving more money.

How much does the government spend on enforcing laws including prisons?

37 billion dollars on prisons alone.

How much money did the government spend on NASA in 2008?

The U.S. government spent 17.2 billion dollars in 2008 according to this website ===>

How has categorical grants increase the power of the federal government?

Another example of federal government taking states power would be the new ways of controlling the states spending, the government now gave out categorical grants from which it could control how the states spent this money. For some states the government was giving out over $200 billion dollars from which 90% of this would be categorical grants and the federal government would regulate how it was spent. The states therefore were restricted on what they could spend the money on and this further showed an increase in federal government's power.

How much income tax revenue do the Australian government spend on supporting aged care?

In 2006‑07 the Federal Government spent $48 billion on health and aged care.

How much does the us government spend on road construction and maintenance yearly?

Federal government spends about $50 billion a year on road construction and maintenance. This is about 1/3 the annual spending on the nations infrastructure which is approximately $150 billion.

How much did the federal housing administration spend?

$2.5 billion

How long will it take to spend a billion dollars if you spend a dollar a second?

A billion seconds!!16 666 666.7 Minutes

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its over 3 billion dollars

How much does nike spend on advertising?

about 1.7 billion dollars a year