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Q: How long does it take to acclimate to 7000 feet Altitude?
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How long is 7 meters?

7000 millimetres about 23 feet

What is the cruzing altitude for a jet plane?

Cruzing altitude is for long distances 10,000 feet to 45,000 feet. For short distances 1,000 feet to 10,000 feet.

What is the volume of gas in a 4 inch pipe 7000 feet long?

The volume of gas would be 598.7 cubic feet.

How long is 7000 square meters in feet?

Square meters is a measure of area and must be expressed in square feet if converting. It would equate to 75347.37 square feet

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What is the top cruising altitude for G5 Gulfstream?

The Gulfstream GV can climb directly to an altitude of 37,000 feet in eighteen minutes, then continue to 43,000 feet for a high speed cruise of 488 knots, or climb to 45,000 feet for a long-range cruise of 459 knots. The highest altitude that it is certified to fly at is 51,000 feet.

What is the area of a triangle with a base of 11 feet long and altiude of 8 feet?

Area = 0.5 * base * altitude = 0.5*11*8 = 44 sq ft

A base of a triangle is 11 feet long and the altitude to that base is 8 feet what is the area of the triangle?

The area (A) of a triangle = 1/2 x base x altitude (or height). Area = 1/2 x 11 x 8 = 44 sq ft

How high do long distance passenger jets fly?

They usually fly at an altitude of 30,000 to 35,000 feet, to avoid bad weather.

How long do you cook lasagna at high altitude?

At 7000 ft a frozen lasagna takes about 2.5 hours. The box says 1.75 hours. The air is les dense and the humidity is low. The heat transfer is much slower.

How long is a Emu?

7000 days

How long is 7000 hours?

a year.