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Q: How long does it take to boil 1000 ML of water?
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i bet 10,000 days to boil the earth.

An electric jug full of water needs 480000 joules to bring it to boil The element power is 1 Kilowatt how long will the jug take to boil?

1 kilowatt = 1000 joules per second, so it will take 480 seconds. (8 minutes).

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About 3 minutes

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350 minutes

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5 minutes

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around two minutes

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1000 minutes

How long does it take to boil water by sunlight?

it takes approximately 1657594 hours. i counted

How long does it take to boil 100 ml of water in a Bunsen burner?

8.30 minutes

How long does it take to boil an egg at 200 degrees Celsius?

Water evaporates at 100 so it would not be possible to boil an egg at 200

How long does it take to boil ml of water in a Bunsen burner?

8.30 minutes

How long does it take for 23ounce of water to boil?

like 14 minutes why dont you try it yourself