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There is no answer to that. It would depend on how fast you dig, what you are digging into, what tools you are using, like a shovel or a spade or a hydraulic digger and how many people are working on it.

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Q: How long does it take to dig a 5 foot cubic hole This would be using medieval tools like shovels Digging at a rate of normal loboring for the time period?
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How long does it take to dig a 5 foot cubic hole This would be using medieval tools like shovels Digging at a rate of normal laboring for the time period?

Before you start to dig a hole in ground, you need to have proper knwoledge about the ground soil to avoid it from caving in and getting yourself trapped in there. On an average a good labourer would take 3-5 hours to dig a five feet deep hole.

Where can you buy a snow shovel from in England?

B and Q did range them however they are not a normal line - many use standard shovels

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Mine was digging for a week and then it layed eggs, so it might be pregnant!

How do you get a golden shovel?

you buy 2 normal shovels and plant 1 using the other 1 you bought.then after 2 days dig it up and you should have a shiny golden shovel! good luck

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They would wear normal clothes otherwise they would be spotted.

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Why the rabbit always keep on digging the tiles of room ("My Pet does so")?

Digging is built into your rabbit's genetic code. Rabbits dig to build tunnels, to create a comfortable spot to rest, and to manipulate their environment and the things in it. In the natural environment your rabbit would be digging at soil It is normal so you shouldnt worry. Make sure it has some time outside in an enclosed area! :)

What did a Shepherd do in medieval ages?

The shepherd di the normal stuff a shepherd does now but the only difference is that it was more naturistic and not so formal

What did ancient Egyptian mine digging slaves get in return if an object was found?

Nothing things would carry on as normal. They would continue to toil in apalling conditions and be worked to Death.

How does castles effect in the Medieval Times?

what do you mean? If you mean... How do castles affect people in Medieval times? then they affected people in a normal way, because they gave people jobs which gave them money which paid their taxes which let the monarchy strive.... Hope this helped =^) xx Source: Sims Medieval... =^) Don't ask!! It's a very complicated story!! xx

How did medieval builders build walls?

They use mud bricks or else just normal stones that were unusually big or just rocks put together with mud