approx 5hrs. assuming no traffic. which is seemingly unlikely depending on location and other possible variances such as highway vs surface streets etc...
(400 mi) ÷ (80 mi/hr) = 5 hr
5 hours 20 minutes. This is the total driving time at that speed and excludes stops or delays.
8 hrs
That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed.
5 hours 20 minutes.
400 miles
5.71428571429 hours
If you drive 65 MPH it will take 6.154 hours.If you drive 55 MPH it will take 7.273 hours
It would take you 8 hours to drive 400 miles traveling at 50 mi/h because 400 / 50 is 8. HOpe this helps!
5 hours 33 minutes.
Divide the distance by the speed.
It will take: 5 hours and 20 minutes
5hours 42minutes 51.43seconds (rounded)
8 hours and 53 minutes
5 hours and 20 minutes
400 ÷ 60 = 6.66 Or 6 hours 40 minutes
t = d/|v| = 400 mi / (80 mi / h) = 5 h