16 x 16 x 7 / 2 896 cubic feet 896 x 6.22883 = 5581.03 UK gallons 896 x 7.48052 = 670.55 US gallons
896 ft3 28 * 8 * 4 = 896
It is 896 miles and an estimated drive of 14 hours and 51 minutes according to Google Maps.
896 square ft
The time it takes to fill a volume with water using a standard hose depends on the flow rate of the hose. Without knowing this flow rate, it is not possible to provide an accurate estimate of the time needed to fill 896 cubic feet.
54x16=896 sq ft
3.2 miles = 16 896 feet
28 by 32 is equal to 896 square feet.
896 square feet. Multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.
According to Wikipedia, the Eiffel Tower measures 896 feet (273 metres) from street level to the top floor, 986 feet (300.65 metres) to the roof and 1063 feet (324 metres) to the top of the antenna spire.