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1 hr = 60 mins

time = distance ÷ speed = 8 miles ÷ 80 miles/hour = 0.1 hour = 0.1 x 60 mins = 6 mins.

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Q: How long does it take to drive eight miles at eighty miles per hour?
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How many hours would it take to drive 600 miles at eighty miles per hour?

If you could drive non-stop at a constant speed of 80 mph, it would take about 7 hours and 30 minutes.

Speed 80mph how many miles will you do in an hour?

Eighty. That is what "miles per hour" means. It means how many miles you will go in one hour, if you keep going at that speed.

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22 minutes 24 seconds.

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about an eight hour drive time assuming an average of 60 miles per hour

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Eight and three quarter hours. 700/80 = 8.75 hours.

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Bunratty Castle is an approximately two hour drive from Killarney. It is about seventy-eight miles away and could possibly take an hour and a half to drive with little traffic.

How many miles can you drive in an hour if you are going 70 miles an hour?

70 miles

Eighty miles per hour toward the northeast is an example of.?

An example of velocity, which is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. The speed component is 80 miles per hour, while the direction component is northeast.

If it takes an hour to drive 80 miles and an hour to drive 50 miles do you save on fuel?

If it take you an hour to drive 80 miles and an hour to drive 50 miles, you will not necessarily save fuel. Fuel consumption is measured by miles per gallon, not time driving. You use less fuel driving 50 miles than 80 miles.