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Q: How long does it take to fall from 50000 feet?
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How long does it take to fall 50000 feet?

Depends how airodynamic (fat) you are... and if you are wearing a parachute/skydiving gear.

How long would it take to fall 2600 feet?

It would take 12.75 seconds to fall 2600 feet with gravity, s= 1/2 g t2

How long does it take to fall 240 feet?

It all depends on how much you weigh.

How long would it take to fall 100000 feet?

Just under 5 minutes.

How long does it take to fall 2712 feet?

If the air isn't slowing you down and the only force on you is the force of gravity,then you fall 2,712 feet in 12.98 seconds. (rounded)

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How long will it take an object to fall 60000 feet?

It would take approximately 50 seconds for an object to fall 60,000 feet in a vacuum without air resistance. However, in reality, factors like air resistance would affect the actual time it takes for the object to fall.

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It would take approximately 20 hours to travel to the moon at a speed of 50,000 km per hour. This calculation is based on the average distance from Earth to the moon, which is about 384,400 km.

How many days would it take to cross a river 50000 miles long?

1500 days

How long does it take Amanda to fall for Channing in the film?

As long as your mom took to fall for me.

How long does it take for a nectar seed to sprout?

It typically takes 7 to 14 days for a nectar seed to sprout, depending on environmental conditions like temperature and humidity.

How long does it take to fall 2500 ft?

Assuming that it is a free fall under gravity, that acceleration due to gravity is 32 feet/sec^2, and that air resistance can be ignored, the answer is 3.33... (recurring) minutes.