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Q: How long does it take to swim 1 mile in the ocean?
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He takes 4 days to complete

How many minutes does it take to swim one mile?

It depends on how fast you can swim and how long you can sustain that pace.

How long does it take to swim a mile?

It takes 21 minutes to swim a mile It takes 7 hours to bike 25 miles It takes 3 hors to run 6.2 miles

How long does it take to walk from England to America?

You will have to swim the Atlantic Ocean first!

How long does it take to swim .5 mile?

That depends on your speed. If you have speed, you can solve using this: 2640(converted .5 mile to feet) / speed(fps, feet per second) = time(seconds)

How long does it take in panama to swim from pacific ocean to Atlantic ocean?

For an average swimmer definitely at least a month.

How long would it take a trout to swim to Italy?

I'm guessing not as long as it would take for you to swim there.

How long will it take to swim to the moon?

Swimming to the moon is physically impossible due to the vast distance of approximately 238,855 miles between Earth and the moon. It would take an extraordinarily long time and would require technology far beyond current capabilities.

How long does it take to cycle a mile?

If you are cycling moderately it will take 5 minutes for a mile.

How many minutes does it take to swim 1 mile in a olympic size pool if you were swimming 35 mph?

It would take about 1.71 minutes at that pace. However, no human can swim 35 mph!

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At 20 mph how long would it take to drive one mile?