It depends on the speed at which you walk.
Depends how fast you can walk.
It depends on how fast you walk.
It depends on how fast you can walk.
About two hours if you walk quickly.
40 km is 24.85 miles.
From Sydney to Brisbane along the Pacific Highway is 925Km. If you walk 20km a day, everyday, it will take just over 46 days. If you walk 30km a day it will take 31 days. If you cover 40km in one day, everyday, it will take just over 23 days. Along the New England Highway it is 969km from Sydney to Brisbane. That will take 48 and a half days travelling 20km per day. If you cover 30km per day it's over 32 days and 40km a day will get you there in just over 24 days. Of course in reality there are many more variables other than distance and speed that will determine whether you complete your trip on time if at all.
It is 40km because 4000m equals 4km
5% of 40km is 2km
depends on how fast you walk
if you started at miami it would be 490 hours
about how long would it take to walk from east Texas coast to Mexico citey
It depends on the speed at which you walk, and how long you can sustain that speed.
The answer will depend on the speed at which you walk.
half a second if you walk fast
you cant answer that it depends on how fast you walk