A 13.42-minute mile equates to a walking speed of 4.47 mph
Depends on how fast you're going.... Walking at a rate of 3.5 mph, you will complete 1 mile in just under 17:30.
It depends on your rate of walking. I believe the average human walks at 3-4 mph. 20 minutes / 60 minute/hr = 1/3 hr 1/3 hr * 3.5 miles/hr = 1.167 miles Walking at 3.5 mph, you would travel over a mile in 20 minutes. Likewise, walking at 3 mph, you would travel 1 mile in 20 minutes. So, 20 minutes is probably a fair estimate of one mile of walking.
18 seconds to travel a mile at 200 mph.
Distance = speed x time 1 mile = 2.5 x time time = 1/2.5 = 0.4 hours 0.4 hours x 60 = 24 minutes
A 13.42-minute mile equates to a walking speed of 4.47 mph
You are walking an average of 3.3 miles per hour over the 1 mile distance.
At 20 mph how long would it take to drive one mile?
Depends on how fast you're going.... Walking at a rate of 3.5 mph, you will complete 1 mile in just under 17:30.
It depends on your rate of walking. I believe the average human walks at 3-4 mph. 20 minutes / 60 minute/hr = 1/3 hr 1/3 hr * 3.5 miles/hr = 1.167 miles Walking at 3.5 mph, you would travel over a mile in 20 minutes. Likewise, walking at 3 mph, you would travel 1 mile in 20 minutes. So, 20 minutes is probably a fair estimate of one mile of walking.
18 seconds to travel a mile at 200 mph.
3.16 miles per hour.
If you were traveling at 60 mph you are going at a rate of 1 mile per minute (60 seconds). If you are walking at a speed of 1 mph then it would take you 1 hour to walk one mile.
Distance = speed x time 1 mile = 2.5 x time time = 1/2.5 = 0.4 hours 0.4 hours x 60 = 24 minutes
At 60 mph it is 1 minute per mile
10 Minutes 6 mph= 1 Mile every 10 Minutes
One minute @60 mph