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You have been running for 2.5 hours.

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Q: How long have you been running if you run at a speed of 10 miles per hour and cover a distance of 25 miles?
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What is the average speed of 100 miles in 5hours?

Average speed = (distance covered) divided by (time to cover the distance) =100/5 = 20 miles per hour

What speed would you have to go to cover 900 miles in 40 hours?

Speed = distance / time. (900 miles) / (40 hours) = 22.5 miles per hour.

What is the formula for working out speed if you have time and distance values?

The formula to calculate speed is speed = distance / time. Just divide the distance traveled by the time taken to cover that distance in order to find the speed.

How far is it to drive 32 miles going 3 miles per hour?

-- It is 32 miles, regardless of your speed while driving it. -- At that speed, you need 10hours 40minutes to cover that distance.

How do you calculate your speed when we start to run?

To calculate your speed while running, divide the distance covered by the time taken to cover that distance. For example, if you ran 1 mile in 10 minutes, your speed would be 1 mile divided by 10 minutes, which equals 0.1 miles per minute. You can convert this to other units like miles per hour for a clearer understanding of your speed.

Non-example of instantaneous speed?

An example of non-instantaneous speed would be the average speed of a car over a distance of 100 miles, calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken to cover that distance.

How fast must you drive to cover 340 miles in 6 hours?

56.7 miles per hour. This is gotten by dividing distance by time (units for speed are distance/time)

How fast in mph is a 5.45 mile?

A 5.45 mile distance is not a speed itself, but a measure of distance. In order to calculate speed in mph, you need to know the time it took to cover that distance. Speed is distance divided by time.

What is the rate at which you cover a certain distance?

The rate at which you cover a certain distance is known as your speed. It is typically measured in units such as miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph). Your speed is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to cover that distance.

Equation to find speed?

Speed = (Distance)/(Time to cover the distance)

How many miles can you cover at a speed of 25 miles per hour?

As many as you want to, if you're willing to keep at it. The distance you can cover is (25) x (the number of hours you keep going).

How much time is 140 miles?

That depends on the speed. Once you decide at what speed you will travel, divide the distance (in miles) by the speed (in miles per hours). The result will be in hours.That depends on the speed. Once you decide at what speed you will travel, divide the distance (in miles) by the speed (in miles per hours). The result will be in hours.That depends on the speed. Once you decide at what speed you will travel, divide the distance (in miles) by the speed (in miles per hours). The result will be in hours.That depends on the speed. Once you decide at what speed you will travel, divide the distance (in miles) by the speed (in miles per hours). The result will be in hours.