That would depend on what you mean by a "day" on the sun. On earth it is nomally defined in terms of a cycle of light and dark but, since the sun is the source of day and night on earth, that definition would not work for the sun.
Another way of looking at it might be to consider how long the sun takes to rotate about its axis. Unlike the earth, though, the sun is not solid and does not rotate at the same rate all over. At its equator the sun rotates once every 24.5 days (approx) and that is probably the nearest to a straight answer that I can give.
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That depends on what you'd call a 'day' on the sun.
If a day is one cycle of light and dark ... like it is for everything else in the solar system ... then
there's no such thing on the sun. The sun is the source of light in the solar system, so nowhere
on the sun ever gets dark.
On every planet including the earth, a 'day' is roughly the time it takes to spin on its axis. Even
that definition is hard to pin on the sun ... the sun isn't a solid body, so different parts of it spin
at different rates.
Depending on exactly where you look on the sun, the part you're looking at takes somewhere
between 25 and 36 earth days to make one complete revolution.
That completely depends on where on Earth you are, specifically your latitude. For example, at the north and south poles, there are one day and one night in a year, and they're both six months long.
The time from when a point on the earth's surface is facing the sun until the next time that point is again facing the sun (due to the earth's rotation) averages 24 hours.The time from when one of the earth's poles is as close as possible to pointing at the sun until the next time that pole is again as close as possible to pointing at the sun (due to the earth's orbit of the sun) is about 365.2422 days.
Answer: one day
earth is approximately rotating at 66 and a half degrees
It is a bit complicated; read the Wikipedia article "equation of time" for a detailed explanation. There are two effects; the one that is easier to understand is that Earth moves around the Sun in an ellipse, so the apparent angular speed of the Sun is not always the same.
A day on Callisto, one of Jupiter's moons, is about 16.7 Earth days long. This is the time it takes for Callisto to complete one full rotation on its axis.
one day on earth is 24 hours.
1 day i.e 24 hours is how long it takes the Earth to do one complete rotation on it's own axis.
one whole day of the earth day
One rotation of the Earth corresponds to a period of 24 hours or one day.
88 Earth Days
one day on venus is 59 earth-days long
Are you sure this question is correct? It takes the Earth one day "to move round the sun in one day"
The "day" on Mars, the time it takes for one complete rotation, is about 24.62 Earth hours.
One day.
24 hours
It takes approximately 24 hours for Earth to complete one full rotation on its axis. This is what causes day and night on our planet.