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When did numbers as we know them first appear?

A Long...Long....Long....Long......Long....Long.....Long...Long.......Long.....Long....Long..Long Time Ago XD

Who was Louis Dagerre?

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How long is it from AM to PM?

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Will Earth ever mix into another planet any day?

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It was created by farmers in the 11th century... that was a long long long long long time ago... ...still a very long time ago... long long long time ago ... yes, i think you get it but it was still a long long long long etc. time ago!

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how would anyone know that he died a long long long long long long long long long long time ago. no one can read minds and i don't think he told anyone.

How can you make your eyes appear more Asian?

Look at the sun for a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long time. Better yet, use hair clips and pull the skin back and pin. This may "slant" your eyes. Tape also works, but hair is more discreet. ________________________________________________________________________ Well, I'm not a fan of the above answer... I am half Asian, and I always play up my that aspect of my eyes. Doing a "cateye" is the easiest way to start: Draw a thin line out from the outside corner of each eye, sweeping up slightly at the end of the line. You also want to line the top lid, going deep into the lashline and keeping the eyeliner thin. Next you want to sweep a light neutral shadow over the cease of the eye and a pale(preferably w/ shimmer) shadow under the browline. Finish off w/ a good mascara and eyebrow pencil. Hope this helps ^_~ _____________________________________________________________________ Well, first off you need to get a face foundation 2 shades lighter than you actual skin tone, and evenly apply it to you face and neck. If you want to, you can also use an skin powder to set the foundation. also, you have to also apply this to your eyes too, because the Asian eyes have a more straight cut lids instead of round one like Caucasians, so applying foundation to the upper and lower lids gives that illusion. Next, take a white eye liner first and outline the UPPER lid. afterwards, be sure to use a liquid eyeliner and, keeping the line thin, line your UPPER lid only, and start from the middle then extend out, creating a slight cat eye. after, go back to the upper inner corner and trace your eyeliner back to the middle. the reason why you do this is because if you make a mistake, its easier to fix. This i not necessary, but if you want to line your lower line, use a pencil BROWN eye liner and start from the middle, keeping the line thin, and pointing up and trying to give your eyes the almond shape. If you want to do the lips, erase the color with either the foundation or a pale lipstick, ad then using a white liner, make your lips look rounder. then use a light, fleshy pink to fill in the color. since Asians and Caucasians have different lip shapes, you don't want to emphasize the difference by using a dark colored lipstick. then lastly for the hair, if you are blond, dye your hair to a darker color. it doesn't have to be black because Asian men and women tend to dye their hair different colors anyway. Well...that's all I have to say! XD

Does the word jail have a long or short vowel sound?

It has a long vowel sound.