16:39 (16 hours & 39 minutes)
20 minutes
50 minutes.
60 km an hour is 1 km a minute. Therefore it takes 100 minutes or 1 hour 40 minutes to travel 100 km
5 hours 42 minutes.
About 7 hours 16 minutes at that rate of travel.
10 hours 16 minutes at 120 kph
16 months 2hours 12 minutes
16 km is longer than 0.25 km
At 80 km, you will go 120 km in 90 minutes.
175.5 minutes at the speed of light.
84 minutes
16 km
16 km is not a speed (average or otherwise), it is a distance. It is therefore impossible to answer this question.
13.9 Km, 16 minutes
16:39 (16 hours & 39 minutes)
Anything between 4 minutes to 8 minutes.