The basic definition of a Cubic Mile or 13mile is 1 mile wide by 1 mile long by 1 mile tall.
So 1 mile long
1 cubic mile = (5,280) cubic feet, 1 acre-foot = 43,560 cubic feet, 1 cubic mile = 3,379,200 acre-feet
1 cubic foot.
1 cubic foot of water is 7.48052 US gallons.
1 mile = 1.6093 kilometers 1 kilometer = 0.6214 mile
2 mintes
1 cubic mile = 1.10111715 × 1012 US gallons.
456,389 years
A cubic mile is a unit of volume that represents the amount of space occupied by a cube with sides that are each 1 mile in length. It is equal to approximately 4.17 billion cubic meters or 147.2 billion cubic feet.
There are 1,307,950.61 cubic yards in 1 cubic mile.
A cubic mile would hold 1.101117147 × 1012gallons of water.More Information:1 cubic mile = 1.10111715 × 1012 US. gallons, or any other liquid.
There are about 4,168,181,825 cubic meters in a cubic mileFor reference:1 mile = 1,609.344 meters1 mile^2 = 2,589,988 meters^21 mile^3 = 4, 168, 181,825 meters^3
(1 mile)3 x (5,280 feet per mile)3 x (12 inches per foot)3 / (231 cubic inches per gallon) =1,101,117,147,428.57 gallonsor 1.10112 trillion gallons (rounded)
A cubic mile is a measure of volume in 3-dimensional space, whereas a mile is a measure of distance in 1-dimensional space. The two measure different things and, according to the basic rules of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid. A cubic mile can comprise a short length for a base with a large cross section or a very long length for a very small base.
5280 ft x 5280 ft x 5280 ft x 62.4 lbs per square ft = 9,185,152,204,800 lbs
1 cubic mile = (5,280) cubic feet, 1 acre-foot = 43,560 cubic feet, 1 cubic mile = 3,379,200 acre-feet
There are 5,280 feet in a mile. Therefore, a cubic mile would be equal to 5,280 feet x 5,280 feet x 5,280 feet, which is 147,197,952,000 cubic feet.
I am afraid that the question as stated does not make sense. A mile is a linear measurement. Cubic yards is a three dimensional measurement, unless, of course, you mean how many cubic yeards in a cubic mile, then 1 cubic mile is equal to 5,451,776.000 cubic yards.