It depends on the units to which you want to convert it. If you want to convert it to feet, knowing that there are 5280 feet per (statute) mile, you get 132,000 feet. (Nautical miles are larger than land (statute) miles, presume you mean statute.
25 minutes.
200 / 25 = 8 hours
It takes: 2000/25 = 80 hours
33 minutes 25 seconds.
1 hour 25 minutes.
Long? It is 25 miles. Time? One hour.
About 25 miles long
25 hectares = 0.0965255396356115 square miles
25 minutes.
At a rate of 25 miles per hour, it takes one hour to drive 25 miles.
It is 25 miles long.
1 hour.
25 minutes
Answer: 25 km = 15.5342 mi.
25 at 60 mph.
Seven hours, if you travel nonstop.
60/25 = 2.4 hours