One day is equal to 60 x 24 = 1440 minutes. Therefore, 2880 minutes is equal to 2880/1440 = 2 days.
There are: 2880*60 = 172,800 seconds
2880 minutes
Two days is equal to 2880 minutes. Therefore, 3 minutes is equal to 3/2880 = 0.0010416 recurring (that is, 0.00104166666...) days.
2 days = 2880 minutes
according to the conversion table that has been assigned by the various teams of scientist 1 hours equals to 60 minutes or 3600 seconds now if we have 48 hours so we will have 48 multiplied by 60 minutes so this equals 2880 minutes
2880 minutes in two days
172,800 seconds