877000 hours is about 100 years and 42 days.
42 days. 7 days x 6 weeks = 42 days.
There are 42 days in six weeks.
42 days equal 1 month (and about 11 or 10 days).
There are 6 weeks in 42 days. This calculation is based on the fact that there are 7 days in a week. By dividing 42 days by 7 days per week, we get a total of 6 weeks.
It is 42 Days long.
42 days
42 days and 6 hours
A ferret pregnancy lasts for 38-42 days (6 weeks)
42 days
877000 hours is about 100 years and 42 days.
It must be used within 42 days, and any days after that make it unusable.
2 years and 42 days
A ferrets gestation or length of pregnancy is 40 to 44 days (average 42 days).
147 hours and 42 minutes, or 6 days 3 hours and 42 minutes.
D days make D/42 lots of 42-day periods.
No, if there, were there would be 8.6 days in a week.A year is 365.24 days long, and normally 52 weeks.