There are 8 weeks and 6 days in 62 days
The answer is 8.85 weeks or to be exact as 8 weeks & 6 days
The gestation period for dogs is on average 58-65 days (approx. 9 weeks).
10 to 15 years but if it lives 17 years you are so lucky
About 14 months and a week.
It is 6 weeks and 3 days
All dogs have the same gestation period (pregnancy) regardless of breed. It lasts anywhere from 54 to 72 days but averages 62 days (about 9 weeks).
70 days is 10 weeks
It is: 2 weeks and 4 days
17 days is 2.48 weeks.
21 days is 3 weeks.
There are 105 days in 15 weeks.