Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
the top adds what the bottom adds. the top subtracts what the bottom subtracts. the top divides what the bottom divides. the top multiplies what the bottom multiplies.
They can go in either position, as long as they are clearly identified.
As long as the top number is equal to the bottom number, the fraction is equal to one.
It's 850 miles from top to bottom.
It takes 11 hours to get from the top to thebottom.
909 miles
is it on the top or bottom?????/
it is 2, 708 km
11 hours
Well, honey, driving from the tippy-top to the bottom of New Jersey can take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours, depending on traffic and how heavy your foot is on the gas pedal. Just remember to buckle up, follow the speed limit (or not, I'm not your mom), and enjoy the scenic views of the Garden State. Safe travels, my dear!
bake what on the top shelf???????of the what ???the oven? if it is the oven and you are cooking something that takes a long time.... then put it on the top shelf!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3,214 km
8 and 1/2 hours
Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
it is on the bottom of your arm