A decimeter is a unit of length in the metric system, equivalent to one-tenth of a meter. On a standard ruler with centimeter and millimeter markings, the decimeter would typically be represented by the centimeter markings. Therefore, each decimeter would be equal to 10 centimeters on the ruler.
You would use to measure decimeter is a ruler.
A ruler is 12 inches long.
One decimetre is equal to 10 centimetres. Therefore, there are three decimetres on a normal 30 centimetre ruler.
a slice of bread, a mobile phone
A decimeter is 10 centimetres. (1/3 of a 30cm/12 inch ruler)
A decimeter is a unit of length in the metric system, equivalent to one-tenth of a meter. On a standard ruler with centimeter and millimeter markings, the decimeter would typically be represented by the centimeter markings. Therefore, each decimeter would be equal to 10 centimeters on the ruler.
Milimeter, centimeter, decimeter, inch, foot
You would use to measure decimeter is a ruler.
A ruler is 12 inches long.
a ruler
One decimetre is equal to 10 centimetres. Therefore, there are three decimetres on a normal 30 centimetre ruler.
I found out that the ruler's length was equal to three decimeters.
a slice of bread, a mobile phone
A decimeter is one tenth of a meter (1/10 meter, 0.1 meter).A decimeter is also 10 centimeters or 3.937008 inches.A decimeter is 10 centimeters or 3.937008 inches. A crayon is approximately 1 decimeter long