1 Parsec = 3.08568025 × 1013 kilometers.
There are 19 trillion miles (31 trillion kilometres) in a parsec, which is an astromical measurement.
What do you mean? Do you mean "how long is 53 meters in yards?", or "how long is 53 meters in feet", or what?
.432 aproximatly
It is 2.2 meters long.
1 parsec is 3.09 x 1016 meters.
30,856,774,879,000,000 meters.
A parsec is 3.0857×1016 meters, an angstrom is 10-10 meters. Divide the first by the second to get the amount of angstroms in a meter.
You don't need something as complicated as a "formula" - just use the conversion factor. 1 parsec = 3.09 x 1016 meters.
One parsec.
Yes. The parsec is a unit of distance, or length, equal to about 3.26 light-years, or 3.09 x 1016 meters.
it lived for 1 zeposecond. ;-) or a parsec troll face
1 kilo parsec
1 parsec = 19,173,510,995,000 miles.
1 Parsec = 3.08568025 × 1013 kilometers.
1 parsec is equivalent to approximately 3.26 light years.
Parsec - video game - was created in 1982.