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There is no fixed or standard length. There are serial numbers of different lengths for different purposes.

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Q: How long is a serial number?
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Can a police officer run a guns serial number with out the gun?

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Impossible to answer without a serial number.

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The serial number is the long group of numbers on the back of the box! Don't be a Judas - quote" Judas, was a THIEF"

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Sorry- impossible to answer. A serial number is not unique to only one gun in the world, or it would be a VERY long number.

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Yes/No/Maybe. There's no solid connection between the length of the serial number and the quality of the bike.

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No serial number provided.

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Impossible to answer wihtout a serial number.

How old is a Kohler Campbell piano with serial number KJMIG0128l?

I'm afraid that's not a valid serial number. The serial number is a 5-7 numbers long code. It can usually be found somewhere at the inside of the piano.