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2 1/2 inches...

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Q: How long is an 8 penny nail?
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8 penny nail vs 10 penny nail?

An 8 penny nail (abbreviated as 8d) is 2.5 inches in length. A 10 penny nail (10d) is 3 inches in length.

What is bigger an 8 penny nail or 16 penny nail?

A 16d (16 penny) nail is larger. The larger the "penny" the larger the nail. But the lengths can vary, but generally an 8d is 2.5" and an 16d is 3 - 3.5".

What type of nail is used for roof shingles a large head nail a copper nail a small head nail or a 8 penny nail?

try using galvanized-- large head 1- 1/2 inch long

What rusts faster penny nail or paperclip?

a penny

What is a 16 penny nail made of?

A 16 penny nail is typically made of steel, which provides strength and durability for various construction projects. The term "16 penny" refers to the nail's size and weight, with longer nails typically having a higher penny size.

Will coke melt a penny or nail?

Coke will not melt a penny or a nail; that process would involve heat. Instead, the acid from the soda may oxidize some of the metal atoms in the penny and the nail, causing them to become ions and soluble. The some of the metal will dissolve, causing the penny or nail to become pitted and tarnished. However, these objects will not melt.


It is a measure of the size of the nail, the term dating back to the 1500s. The penny nail size was originally the price in pennies of 100 nails of that size.

What happens if you put a penny in nail polish remover?

it ruins the copper in the penny and turns it white.

Which common metal would rust faster in salt water nail penny bracelet or a fork?


Why is it called a sixteen penny nail?

The penny was as old English term used to describe the number of pennies required to purchase 100 nails. Today the term is used only as a measurement of the length of the nail. A common 16 penny nail used in general construction today has a standard length of 3.5 inches, a number 8 gauge diameter shaft (0.162 inches), a head diameter of 11/32nd of an inch and 44 such nails will weigh one pound.

What are special properties?

well if you ask me they are nail tools a fingernail and a penny to me.

What is shear strength of a twelve penny nail?

650 foot/pounds