1 metre, or about 3' 3"
Half Square meter is twice as big as half a meter square.
Meter rulers, a rope of length one meter? More generally things of a human scale are around a meter, desks tend to be about a meter and a half long, bookcases tend to be around a meter wide, doors are normally around a meter wide and so on. (plus or minus about half a meter!)
Many people will say half double the length or two times the distance from the midpoint to the end but the truth is that the average piece of string is 14 feet long.
1 metre, or about 3' 3"
how long is a piece of string? What instrument?
Twice as long as its half-way mark.
How long is a piece of string? - twice as long as half its length.
The 50 meter dash is an 8th of a track, or half of a straightaway
Half the height of a door in your house.
A force meter contains a string because when a force is applied to the meter, it causes tension in the string. This tension is then measured by the force meter and displayed as a force reading, allowing for accurate measurement of the applied force.
Half Square meter is twice as big as half a meter square.
The time it will take to move the next half meter depends on the acceleration of the body. If the acceleration remains constant, the time to move the next half meter can be calculated using the initial velocity, displacement, and acceleration.
Two strips can be cut from a half-meter strip if each strip is 0.25 meters long.
Meter rulers, a rope of length one meter? More generally things of a human scale are around a meter, desks tend to be about a meter and a half long, bookcases tend to be around a meter wide, doors are normally around a meter wide and so on. (plus or minus about half a meter!)