Numerator on top; denominator on the bottom.
the top adds what the bottom adds. the top subtracts what the bottom subtracts. the top divides what the bottom divides. the top multiplies what the bottom multiplies.
As long as the top number is equal to the bottom number, the fraction is equal to one.
Top: numerator. Bottom: denominator.
the top one goes in the bottom and the bottom ones go in the top
There's a top hose (the one on top) and a bottom hose. (the one on the bottom) There is no main hose.
the order of the jewels on Nabooti island from top to bottom are ...purplegreenredwhiteblue
Top right Island, but you should start trying to find items on the other islands first and gathering more experience first. I usually begin in the bottom right island which takes me to the bottom right island surf to top left island only surf to top right island when you have found all of the items.
in a rectangular foundation long bars to be in bottom and short bar to be on top of long bars, where as in slab opposite to the foooting bars
Top and bottom and sharp bit
It's 850 miles from top to bottom.
It's simple. all you have to do is: top right; to the top left; to the bottom left; to the direct middle; to the bottom left; to the top right
The length of Argentina is 3,701 km (2,300 miles) from its border with Bolivia to southern Tierra del Fuego, an island it shares with Chile.
The island layout on the map changes with each added island, generally from earliest at the top to newest at the bottom.
It takes 11 hours to get from the top to thebottom.
you match the words on the top or bottom