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Q: How long is the equal opportunity leader course?
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Which leader called on African Americans to accept a lower political social status as long as they given an opportunity to participate in industrial growth?

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Money is considered a renewable source. If money is spent, there is an equal opportunity of earning it back, as long as there is a source to get it from.

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There is no such quota for a specific gender, race or age. The Army is an equal opportunity employer, as long as you qualify you can enlist.

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What leader called an African Americans to accept a lower political social status as long as they were given an opportunity to participate in industrial growth?

Booker T. Washington

Can you get fired for speeding in a company car?

Yes. In most states, an employer can fire you for any reason they see fit, so long as it doesn't violate equal opportunity laws.

Does leader have a long or short vowel sound?

The EA pair in leader has a long E sound, as in reader.

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Because they kiced Braun out, and installed Mao as the leader. What do leaders do? They lead of course. Piece two and two together and you would understand why he lead them, because he was leader. Haha! Because they kiced Braun out, and installed Mao as the leader. What do leaders do? They lead of course. Piece two and two together and you would understand why he lead them, because he was leader. Haha!

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yes of course. as long as all angles are below 90 degrees and 2 sides are equal of length.

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Think for yourself. If I tell you that a book is 20 cm long, can you tell me its volume? Of course not. You need to know its width and its thickness.