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P = 20cm

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Q: How long is the perimeter of a square with an area of 25cm squared?
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What is the answer if the perimeter of a square whose area is 25cm?

Then the square will have 4 equal sides of 5cm with a perimeter of 20cm and an area of 25 square cm

If the area of a square is forty nine squared what is the perimeter of the square?

The perimeter is 28.

How do you know the perimeter of a square and you want to determine its area Explain how you can calculate the area?

For a square, the area is always 1/4 of the perimeter squared. Or one side squared.

What is the area of square with the perimeter of 36?

The area of square with a perimeter of 36 is 81. If the perimeter is 36, then each side must be 36 divided by 4, or 9. The area of a square is side squared, so that is 9 squared or 81.

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A square with a perimeter of 48 meters has an area of 144 meters squared.

The area of a square is 22500 ft squared - what is the perimeter?

The perimeter is 600 feet.

What is the area of a square if the perimeter is 16 cm?

The area of square is : 256.0

What is the area of a square that has a perimeter of 12?

To find the area of a square if the perimeter is given, we must divide it by 4. Here, we have to divide 12 by 4, which is 3. The area of a square is side squared, so that is 3 squared or 9.

What is the perimeter of a square with an area of 81 feet squared?

36 feet

What is the perimeter of square with an area of 16 feet squared?

16 feet

What is the perimeter of a square if it has an area of 36 centimeters squared?

24 cm

A square has a perimeter of 36 inches. What is the area?

The answer will be 81 in squared.......dummy...