27 minutes.
36 seconds.
90 seconds
At 40 mph you are traveling about 60 feet per second, so it would take about 6 seconds to go 360 feet.
about 5 to 6 hours.
1 hour 40 minutes (100 minutes)
It would depend on the vehicle.
To find out how long it will take to drive 470 miles at 40 mph, divide 470 by 40. The answer is 11.75 hours or 11 hours and 45 minute.
At 40 mph, it would take you 1 hour 30 minutes to drive 60 miles.
40/10 = 4 hours
It will take about 6 seconds.
It depends on how fast you are going. If your are going 40 mph then it will take you 1 hour
1 hour, 40 minutes at 12 mph
60/40 = 1.5 hours
3.409090.... seconds
About 37 minutes at 65 mph
1.28 seconds.