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If a person is on a well balanced diet and treats their hair good, it could take 3 years.

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Q: How long it will take your hair to grow three feet?
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How long is a highland cows feet or hair?

Feet of a Highlander are only around 4 to 6 inches long. The hair can grow to around a foot in length.

How long can a horse's hair grow?

the horses hair can grow about to 5 or 8 inches long

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its about six feet long, but really they only tend to grow around three feet to five feet

How long would your hair grow if you never cut it?

It could grow to up to 3.5 feet long. Some people may have longer hair than this because they're above the average.Like Indians.

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No, hair grows a half inch per month, not a half foot.

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500 feet long lol might have exaggerated a lil :)

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it depends on how long it takes your hair to grow

Can a tortoise be three feet long?

Yes, it can. In fact the giant tortoises in the Galapagos Islands can grow to 4.5 feet.

How long would it take to grow short hair to skater hair?

A year for thin hair, or three years for thick hair, five years for frizzy hair.

How long until long haired guinea pig babies grow their hair?

about like three weeks or so

How long will it take for your hair grow 3 feet?

within 3 years u can get 3 feet if the person is being balanced diet

How long can Africans grow their hair?

THere is no rule of how long Africans can grow their hair. It is their choice and right to choose how long they want it.