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Q: How long of a distance do you create greater than three seconds when traction and visibility are reduced?
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Which is greater 612 or 24?

If you mean 6/12 and 2/4 then they are both equal and can be reduced to 1/2

Can you reduce three-eighths?

No, 3 and 8 have no common factors greater than 1. 3/8 cannot be reduced.

Can 4 over 13 be reduced?

No. A fraction can only be reduced if the numerator and denominator share a common divisor that is greater than 1. Since 13 is a prime number (meaning it can only be divided by itself and 1) and 4 cannot be divided by 13, the fraction cannot be reduced.

What are the benefits of telecommuting?

greater productivity, improved information turnaround, better communication, reduced office space requirements, greater staffing flexibility, lower employee turnover, and an expanded employee market.

Why standard reduction potential of fluorine is greater than cl2?

Fluorine and chlorine both need to gain electrons in order to achieve a stable electron configuration of 8 electrons in their outer shell, but fluorine is the smaller atom. As atoms get larger, their ability to attract electrons is reduced and they become more metallic in nature and less nonmetallic, because the outer shells of the electrons are farther from the positively charged nucleus, and even though the nucleus of larger atoms also has a larger positive charge, the increase in charge has less effect than the increase in distance, because charge is a direct proportionality and distance is an inversely squared proportionality. Distance matters more. So fluorine has the greater attraction for electrons, or as you put it, it has the greater reduction potential.

Related questions

What is stopping distance increase in freezing conditions?

In freezing conditions, stopping distance increases due to decreased tire traction on the icy or snowy road surface. This results in reduced friction between the tires and the road, making it harder for the vehicle to brake effectively and increasing the distance required to stop. Additionally, ice and snow can also impact visibility and reaction time, further contributing to the longer stopping distance.

When travelling in very heavy rain your overall stopping distance is likely to be?

increased due to reduced traction between your tires and the road surface. It's important to drive at a slower speed and leave more space between your vehicle and the one in front of you to allow for a longer stopping distance in case of emergencies. Use your headlights and wipers to maintain visibility.

What causes reduced visibility in the mountains?

Reduced visibility in the mountains can be caused by weather conditions such as fog, rain, snow, or low clouds. Additionally, factors like smoke from wildfires or dust kicked up by strong winds can also contribute to poor visibility in mountainous regions.

What should you do when operating in conditions of reduced visibility?

When operating in conditions of reduced visibility, such as fog or heavy rain, reduce your speed, use your headlights, and increase following distance. Stay alert, avoid sudden maneuvers, and use windshield wipers and defrosters to maintain visibility. Consider pulling over in a safe location if visibility becomes too poor to continue driving safely.

The danger of reduced traction is greatest?

The danger of reduced traction is greatest during inclement weather conditions such as rain, snow, or ice. Reduced traction can lead to decreased vehicle control, longer stopping distances, and an increased risk of skidding or sliding. It is important to adjust your driving behavior and slow down to account for reduced traction in these situations.

You may only use fog lights when visibility is reduced to less than what distance?

Different countries and (in the US) different states have different legislation for such matters.

The danger of reduced traction is greatest in?

30 minutes

Why is the weather important to drivers?

The weather can impact road conditions like visibility, traction, and stability, which can affect a driver's ability to safely operate a vehicle. Different weather conditions may require adjustments in driving behavior, such as reducing speed or increasing following distance, to prevent accidents. Staying informed about the weather can help drivers prepare and make informed decisions for their safety on the road.

What are the release dates for The Car Coach - 2011 Reduced Driving Visibility?

The Car Coach - 2011 Reduced Driving Visibility was released on: USA: 1 March 2012

In heavy rain what is the least amount of space should you allow for breaking?

In heavy rain, you should allow for at least double the normal braking distance in order to ensure safe stopping. This increased distance accounts for reduced traction and the longer time it takes for your vehicle to come to a stop on wet roads. It's important to drive cautiously and maintain a greater following distance from the vehicle in front of you.

How does speed traction and gravity affect braking distance?

Speed: As speed increases, braking distance increases because the vehicle has more kinetic energy that needs to be dissipated in order to come to a stop. Traction: Higher traction allows the tires to grip the road better, reducing braking distance. Lower traction conditions, such as wet or icy roads, can increase braking distance due to reduced grip. Gravity: Gravity affects braking distance by influencing the weight and load distribution of the vehicle. Heavier vehicles may have longer braking distances as it takes more force to slow them down compared to lighter vehicles.

How is a snowburst dangerous?

Reduced visibility and the rapid accumalation of snow