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Q: How long should a jumprope be for a 5 or 4 foot person?
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How long is a 7 foot jumprope in feet?

A 7-foot jump rope is 7 feet long.

How long is the longest jumprope ever?

the longest jumprope is where about 80 people can jump in at the same time imagine that! really long!!!!!

What size snooker cue should a 4 foot 9 person have?

at least a 1.8m long one

What is the largest foot?

i believe the person with the worlds longes foot is callled sir-foot-is-long

What is an object that is one yard long?

a 4 foot long person

What do you think about foot fetishes?

Sex should be responsible, voluntary, and equitable. Among other things, this means that if you have a fetish, it's only fair to tell your partner. A foot fetish is not harmful, as long as the foot doesn't become more important than the person it's attached to. You should control the fetish; it should not control you!

How long should my golf driver be if i am 5 foot and 3 inches?

It should be about up to your shoulder, off your foot [with out a shoe on].

How do you beat the world record in jumprope?

Check out the world record book or 2009, check how much time the person lasted jump roping, then practice for as long you can go, (video tape it) if you beat the time contact the person on the index section for beating world records sothat person can go over to your house to see what you have done.

To feed 60 people how long should a sub be?

about 10, 3 foot subs so the sub should be 30 feet long depends on how much those people can eat either 1/2 a foot long or a whole footlong in that case you will need a 60 foot long sub.

How long should a leader be on a fly fishing line?

your leader should roughly be a foot shorter than your rod ( no shorter than 6 foot)

What means endurance?

build streagth,exercise,fitness,workoutEndurance means the ability for an animal(or human) to exert itself for a long period of time.endurence is something you can do for a long time. kinda like if you can jumprope for a long time; that would be endurence.

how long should a person be outside?

A person should be outside 15 to 20 minutes a day.