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Q: How long should it take an average swimmer to complete 50 meters?
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How long should it take the average swimmer to do 50 meters?

i swim a fair bit. an average swimmer will swim 50 metres in about 1 and a half minutes breastroke. maybe 10 seconds faster if front crawl

How long does it take to swim 400 meters?

Well for a competitive swimmer in longcourse it should be about 4-6 ( depends on age an level) so the average person that doesn't practice swimming probably 15 minutes if they could even finish it( depending on how physically fit they are and how their general technique is in swimming) 400 meters is a lot for someone who doesn't swim- thats 16 laps in a shortcourse pool and 8 in a longcourse.

What is a good amateur time for swimming 1 kilometer?

In average swimmer should be able to do 1,500m in around 20 - 25minutes therefore for 1km you should be taking 13 - 16minutes

What is the average speed to swim 25 meters?

This depends on a lot of factors including sex, amount of training and how fit one is. A good time for a fit, competetive woman swimmer is 15 seconds. Men around 12. For the average person, it would, of course, take longer.

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99-100lb for a swimmer and for a volleyball player 100-200lb

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A shower should at minimum be about 45 cubic meters. This would provide enough floor space and height for the average person.

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He should be because hes a reptile and has fins.

How long should it take a club swimmer to complete the butterfly in 50 meters?

don't know in meters...but it's approximately 1 second off from yards. In yards. A 50yard time for butterfly would be 26 seconds... that means you're pretty decent and have swam before. Of course this is different depending on gender, guys being faster than girls. I'm a highschool female senior (of average athletic ability) and I just began swimming the 50 butterfly in relays. My average time is about 35.7 seconds and my coach is completely thrilled with me! xD So my guess is that it's dependent on the team and your ability

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The average time that should be taken for someone to complete a full swing of a one-handed sword in various directions is 30 seconds.

What depth should a velocity sensor be placed to estimate a stream's average velocity if it's 12.5 meters deep?

The velocity sensor should be placed at approximately 40-60% of the total water depth, so in this case, it should be placed at around 5-7.5 meters from the surface to estimate the stream's average velocity accurately. Placing it in this range helps account for variations in velocity across the vertical profile of the stream.

How long should it take the average women to run 80 meters?

I'd say 10-35 seconds