Depends how fast you drive, how much traffic is on the streets,
how you hit the lights, etc.
If you average 5 mph . . . 2hours 12minutes
If you average 10 mph . . . 1hour 6minutes
If you average 15 mph . . . 44 minutes
If you average 20 mph . . . 33 minutes
If you average 30 mph . . . 22 minutes
If you average 60 mph . . . 11 minutes
1500/11 hours
3 hours and 11 minutes.
11½ days
Dividing distance travelled by speed gives 620/52 = 11.923076 recurring (that is, 11. 923076923076...) hours. This is approximately equal to 715 minutes.
It will take just under 11 minutes (10.8) to travel 90 miles at 500mph. 90 miles/500 mph = 0.18 hours 0.18 x 60 minutes = 10.8 minutes
11 hours 42 minutes averaging 65 mph.
11 hours 50 minutes averaging 65 mph
It all depends on how fast you travel, if you go at 60mph then it will take 713 minutes (or 11 hours 53 minutes)
Divide 11 into 3000. You do the math.
1500/11 hours
3 hours and 11 minutes.
11½ days
The approximate travel time, traffic permitting, is 11 hours and 36 minutes. The total distance is about 684 miles.
The approximate travel time, traffic permitting, is 11 hours and 44 minutes. The total distance is about 690 miles.
The approximate travel time, traffic permitting, is 4 hours and 11 minutes. The total distance is about 224 miles.
About 11 hours to NOLA by car.