288 miles
8 minutes, 48 seconds
About 20 minutes.
200 / 25 = 8 hours
The number of miles you would travel in 8 minutes would depend on the speed you are traveling. At 60 miles per hour, you would travel 8 miles in 8 minutes.
About 8 hours 5 minutes at 65 mph
2 hours 8 minutes averaging 65 mph.
288 miles
8 minutes
3 hours and 8 minutes by car
8 minutes, 48 seconds
About 20 minutes.
It takes just over 8 minutes to travel 10 miles, at the speed of 50 mph.
8 hours 40 minutes.
6.5 hours.
The approximate travel time, traffic permitting, is 1 hour and 8 minutes. The total distance is about 46.4 miles.