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Q: How long will each person take to fun a total of fifty miles at the given rate?
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It is the 41st state in total area.

How many miles is New Jersey?

New Jersey ranks 47th of the fifty states in size. It has an estimated population of 8,414,350. The state covers a total area of 8,721 square miles.

How long does it take to drive 403 miles at fifty five miles per hour?

It will take about 7 hours and 19 minutes of total driving time at a constant 55 mph. Your total travel time will be longer if you slow down or stop along the way.

The cost for 50 football fans to charter a bus is 20 dollars.How much will it be per person if 40 fans go on the bus but the total remains the same.?

Assuming you mean $20.00 per person for fifty people and not "20 dollars for fifty people" to charter one bus. Then it will be $25.00 per person for 40 fans to charter the bus if the total (charter charge) remains the same.

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That depends on what makes the given cities the status of "top". Would that be land mass, people population, total export/import sales/income/loss, ect.....

How do you average gas costs?

The easiest is to start a given time period (say a week of a month) with a full tank of gas. Record the odometer reading. This will be your starting miles. Throughout your time period, record the cost and gallons for each gas stop. On the last day of your time period, fill up your tank one last time, record this too, and now record the odometer again for your ending miles. You now need to know the following: Total Miles (Ending Miles - Starting Miles) Total Gallons Total Cost # of days Follow the calculations below to find each average: Avg Miles per Gallon = Total Miles / Total Gallons Avg Cost per Day = Total Cost / # of Days Avg Cost per Gallon = Total Cost / Total Gallons Avg Cost per Mile = Total Cost / Total Miles

The route Sherman used the total war method?

Starting with the burning of Atlanta, and heading South-East to Savannah in a swathe fifty miles wide. Then crossing the river into South Carolina, to continue the punitive mission.

What would be the cost to each person in the US given that the total cost is 9 times 1014 dollars?

dick sauce

If you can see for 12 miles how many square miles can you see?

If a person is able to see 12 miles on all sides, a total of 452.4 square miles can be viewed. The formula is pi x r2 = 3.1416 x 144 = 452.4.

If a person runs an hour and a half at a speed of 8 miles per hour to the south Then without changing directions rides a bus at a speed of 55 miles per hour for 24 minutes. How far will it reach?

55 miles an hour for 24 minutes covers a distance of 24/60 x 55 miles = 22 miles. The bus will be 22 miles further south than where it started, and the person will be 12 + 22 miles = 34 miles south of their starting point.

What indicates on the speedometer?

The speed the vehicle is traveling in MPH and KPH. Also the total miles traveled by the vehicle is recorded by the odometer. It also will have a resetable trip meter that will record miles traveled at any given time.

What is indicated on the speedometer?

The speed the vehicle is traveling in MPH and KPH. Also the total miles traveled by the vehicle is recorded by the odometer. It also will have a resetable trip meter that will record miles traveled at any given time.