There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, someone travelling at 70 miles per hour is travelling at 70 x 5280 = 369600 feet per hour. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, travelling 26468 feet would take 26468/369600 x 60 = 4.30 minutes.
Depends on your travelling speed.
0.52 seconds.
90 miles is 475200 feet per hour, = 132 feet per second. The ball can travel 6 times 22 feet in 1 second, so 22ft is travelled in 1/6 seconds
It depends on the speed at which you are travelling!
97 miles = 97 x 5280 = 512160 feet traversed in 3600 seconds. Hence 60 feet would be traversed in (3600/512160) x 60 = 60/512160 = 0.00011715 seconds
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, someone travelling at 70 miles per hour is travelling at 70 x 5280 = 369600 feet per hour. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, travelling 26468 feet would take 26468/369600 x 60 = 4.30 minutes.
0.977 seconds.
5 seconds
0.45 seconds
It depends where you are travelling from.
0.438 seconds.
One foot is 0.0003048 km, so 30 feet is 0.009144 km. If you are travelling at 40 km/hour, it would take about 0.8 seconds to travel 30 feet.
That depends on where you are travelling from.
It depends where you are travelling from
Depends on your travelling speed.
That will depend on where you were coming from and how you were travelling. It could take seconds if you were just at its border. It could take months if you were travelling from Australia by boat.