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Q: How long will it take a ship to travel 500 miles at 21.1 knots?
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How long does it take a cruise ship to travel 1280 miles?

This will vary based on the cruise ship and how fast it is going. Most cruise ships travel at the speed of 21 to 24 knots per hour. 1 knot = 1.15 mph. 21 knots is equal to 24.15 mph so it would take you approximately 53 hours to travel 1280 miles.

How many miles does a ship go in an hour?

Ships typically travel at 12 to 18 knots, which is nautical miles an hour.

How long would it take a ship to travel 4318 miles?

It depends on the speed of the ship.

How long will it take a ship to travel 3138 nautical miles?

The answer will depend on the speed at which the ship is travelling!

A ship id going 16 knots how long would it take to travel 3500 miles?

1 knot - 1.2 mph, 1.2 * 16 = 19.20, 3500 miles/19.20 = 182.30 hours/24 hours in the day = 7.60 days.

Does cruise ship travel faster than a car?

No. Cruise ship speed is usually measured in knots - as in 20 knots top speed. To go 20 knots/hour is about like going 22 mph.

A ship is doing 15 knots how many sea miles will she do in 2 hours?

34 miles

Can a ship travel 500 miles per hour?

No. The world's fastest cruise ship, Royal Olympic Cruises' Olympic Voyager, averages only 27 knots (about 30 MPH). The water speed record is only 317.596 miles per hour.

Is the speed of 22 knots in a ship dangerous?

Depending on the type of ship/boat it can be a perfectly safe speed. most modern container ships travel around at 20 - 23 knots.

If a ship is going 60 knots how many miles per hour is it going?

69.1 miles per hour.

At noon ship A is 20 nautical miles due west of ship B Ship A is sailing west at 15 knots and ship B is sailing north at 17 knots How fast is the distance between the ships changing at 3?

we dont know

How long does it take for the navy ship to travel 5022 miles?

That depends on the speed over that distance.