73 / A = hours of travel time
it depends how fast you travel. if you travel at 600 mph {miles per hour} it would take you 1 hour
That depends on the speed.
At 52 MPH it would take 4.5 hrs to travel 234 miles.
It takes (68 hours) divided by (the speed you travel, in miles per hour).
A person on horseback can travel about 30 miles a day. The Pony Express did not ride 2000 miles when it was active. That is the length of the country.
How long does it take for mail to travel from Jackson ms to corinth ms
Under fair conditions, the Pony Express riders could carry the mail 2000 miles in 10 days.
It will take one hour to travel 30 miles.
It usually takes mail at least three days to travel interstate. This is true during the week, mail sent on the weekends can and often do take longer.
6 years
7 years
The number of hours it will take to travel 308 miles is(308)/(your average speed, in miles per hour)
3.5 hours
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
At what speed?
how long will it take standard us mail get here from New York to Michigan